Daily chemical products merchants supermarket channel market status

According to the field survey in the shopping mall, the following characteristics appear in the operation of daily chemical commodities in the supermarket channel.

1.Business super way

(1)Large ways continue to sink, the speed of land enclosure significantly accelerated, like large stores, in some prefecture-level cities have been planned, in some prosperous counties also see the figure of this type of supermarket.The continuous sinking of large stores, resulting in the secondary and tertiary shopping malls, local planning small supermarkets numerous closure, transformation. Features: It is difficult to appear, the brand demand is high, the cost is large, the output is relatively large, is conducive to the establishment of the brand image, has a great help to the investment.There is no appropriate sales plan, such as a short time, the sale is difficult to improve, the input and output is not proportional.Brands mainly gather in the first and second line brands.

 (2)local supermarket chains, in the horse enclosure together, will also gradually penetrate the way to the town shopping malls.The current town shopping malls are local supermarkets all over the country.Many towns have one or even the number and size of supermarkets.Features: the appearance is relatively simple, the cost is moderate, but in recent years, the cost has risen a lot than ever.Because the central link is less, the promotion activity plan is simple to be implemented.Selling is relatively easy.At present, this type of supermarket is the main battlefield of third-tier and fourth-tier brands, and the competition is intense.

(3)Package field class, buyout type supermarket.Buy-out type supermarket: usually by a dealer to guide the power of the buyout, pay different cash.This type of supermarket is a typical shopping guide exclusive, other brands can not be on the shopping guide, only allowed to buy out the business, on the shopping guide.Usually other brands of goods without a guide to buy recommended, simply sell very little.Sub market supermarket: usually the supply right of all commodities in the daily chemical area of the supermarket is bought out by one or several dealers for one-time cash or guaranteed sale.This type of supermarket, usually sell a large volume, relatively more brands.Dealers have a high demand for profit.

2.Distributor  Dealers operating business super channel, with the continuous reshuffle of the mall, the strength of the small dealers, gradually screened out.

(1)Because of the increasing cost and manpower cost of the supermarket, the dealers throughout the supermarket report that the operation of the supermarket is difficult, and the profit decreases year by year.

(2)Difficult capital turnover: because the fundamental way of business and supermarket is to settle the money in due period, some payment days reaches more than 60 days, causing dealers to seek the market share together, the capital demand is increasing, the upstream manufacturers demand payment before goods, supermarkets demand payment days settlement, the center also has to pay the salary of the buyer guide, sales staff, etc.

 (3)Dealers because of the influence of capital, market situation, the selection of new brands more and more careful, afraid of investment can not get a good return.Because the operation of a brand, if you want to do a good job, the initial investment should be on 100,000 yuan.The bigger you get, the more you invest.Take on a lot of mall danger.Urgent demand for upstream manufacturers to carry out in-depth cooperation, vigorously support.

(4)Dealers because of the influence of capital, market situation, the selection of new brands more and more careful, afraid of investment can not get a good return.Because the operation of a brand, if you want to do a good job, the initial investment should be on 100,000 yuan.The bigger you get, the more you invest.Take on a lot of mall danger.Urgent demand for upstream manufacturers to carry out in-depth cooperation, vigorously support.


With the continuous improvement of living standards, some consumers have also changed their consumption concepts and sought for brand effect, thinking that the quality of brands with strong publicity is good.This requires the company will need to establish the concept of brand image characterization, does not necessarily have to invest in television advertising, but the terminal image may have to carry out a large amount of investment, increase the terminal image construction.

At present, the promotion methods that supermarkets choose are still the same as the usual promotion methods, such as special price, gifts, lottery, exchange and so on.This method has lost its appeal to some consumers because of serious homogenization and contrast and lack of new ideas.Approach innovation needs to be promoted.Attract consumers through special promotional activities to achieve the intention of continuous purchase and influence sales.It is necessary to establish a sound promotion mechanism.