How to choose professional and household shower gel pump head

1.Depends on usage:

General high pressure cleaning machine can be divided into two kinds of household and professional use.If you use a cleaning machine for less than 50 hours a year, you only need to buy a home cleaning machine.The price is relatively cheap, the weight is lighter, the material is simple and not heat resistant.If the use of more than 100 hours, we should consider the professional use of high-pressure cleaning machine, large volume, material using copper alloy pump head, stainless steel valves and other durable materials, the price is, of course, a lot more expensive.So how to choose, should depend on consumer needs and decide.

2.Depending on hot and cold water needs:

High pressure cleaning machine depending on the requirements of the occasion, can also be divided into hot water and cold water type.Generally, most of them are cold water, which can be used by injecting normal temperature water from the faucet.But some business places need to be flushed with hot water, then it is necessary to buy a hot water type of high pressure cleaning machine, if you use cold water injection of hot water, internal parts including the pump will be damaged very quickly, the loss outweighed the gain.

3.Choosing a businessman

Now there are many brands of cleaning machine on the market, imported than domestic expensive 1-2 times, or even more, the choice should be based on their own actual needs and budget.Usually imported equipment technology new, its durability and efficiency are more domestic have a certain advantage, but its price is also much higher, maintenance cost is also higher than the domestic equipment 2-3 times.After choosing to use the brand, we should also pay attention to the choice of businesses.Domestic high pressure cleaning almost no direct manufacturers, imported products, in particular, is to choose the form of cooperation, dealers generally a region only a legitimate official dealer, when the choice must choose qualified distributors, to ensure after-sales service, because the device is like a car, three seven points, repair maintenance, if once through informal way to buy cheap,Future maintenance and maintenance will produce a lot of trouble, it is likely that the loss of a small part caused tens of thousands of yuan of equipment can not be used.

4.The choice of sprinkler head

The cleaning effect caused by different sprinklers is also different.For example, the circular nozzle can increase the cleaning efficiency, the fan nozzle can turn the nozzle as a low-pressure spray (can spray soapy water) and the high-pressure fan type water column, and the low-pressure brush head can eject low-pressure water and gently scrub, etc.Some of these sprinklers will be included as a gift, and others must be purchased by yourself, so make sure you choose according to your needs.