Plastic Bottles Made of Various Materials are Irreplaceable

Now, PET plastic bottles occupy the absolute share of the plastic bottle packaging market, PET plastic bottles have a lot of advantages we have analyzed many times.However, today we want to talk about other packaging materials other than PET plastic bottles, which are being ignored by the market, but through analysis, we will find that these plastic bottles made of materials have their irreplaceable.

Among them, PE plastic bottles have always had a better market application, from milk bottles to shampoo, shower gel plastic bottles.Compared with PET plastic bottles, PE plastic bottles have lower cost and are more suitable for many requirements of low packaging cost.

At the same time, PE plastic bottles are opaque to light, which is important for some products where light can affect them.Then, naturally, PVC plastic bottles. Although PVC plastic bottles can not be used for packaging of food and other products, they are very popular in the field of chemical packaging.

Let’s say PS acrylic plastic bottle, it is widely used in cosmetics and other packaging, cosmetic packaging for the appearance of high requirements, acrylic plastic bottle appearance resembles glass bottle, popular in the market.

Our market should take into account other types of plastic bottle packaging while attaching importance to PET plastic bottles.Now other types of plastic bottle packaging is a key problem when recycling is not ideal, which needs to be improved from the material itself, so as to achieve the improvement of the recycling rate of plastic bottles made of these materials.