The Difference Between Solid And Liquid In Plastic Bottle Packaging

As we know, plastic bottle packaging objects can be divided into solid, liquid, powder these categories.This one solid and liquid plastic bottle in the packaging characteristics of the difference is today I want to talk about a key point.

On the characteristics of solid and liquid plastic bottles, we from various parts to carry out targeted points of analysis.Firstly, the diameter of the solid plastic bottle should be larger than that of the liquid plastic bottle, because the sealing ability of the solid product is relatively low, but the diameter of the solid product is often larger, which makes the solid plastic bottle must be improved in order to facilitate the filling line of the product.We can see that the wide mouth plastic bottles on the market are mainly used to pack solid products.On the contrary, liquid plastic bottles have higher requirements for sealing performance, and for the convenience of drinking and filling, small mouth plastic bottles will be used more in the liquid market.Secondly, regarding the wall thickness and transparency of plastic bottles, solid plastic bottles do not have high requirements for the transparency and wall thickness of plastic bottles.However, liquid plastic bottles have higher requirements for wall thickness. There is a certain pressure in liquid products, which requires plastic bottle packaging to bear the pressure. This requires liquid plastic bottles to reach a certain wall thickness to be able to withstand the pressure of the product.Liquid products also have transparency requirements for plastic bottles.Some liquid products are sensitive to light and must be designed with this in mind.

The difference between liquid and solid plastic bottles is basically focused on the details of the product, I hope our manufacturers can pay attention to and treat.